Website Auditing and conversion optimization

Ever happened that, you stumbled upon to a website and you were just awestruck by the look and feel of the website and all you have said is wow and you can’t stop scrolling through the website. Or there may be the case, that you may have stumbled upon to a website and your reaction is ‘whuuuut’ and you don’t wait another second to leave the website. There are certains measures that make your site amazing, flawless, average or worse. Most businesses simply ignore the part of maintaining and continuously improving their website.

Let’s talk about website auditing. What are the measures that can make or break a website? There are different standards of rating a website in terms of UX, design, performance, security. This talk will put an emphasis on UX part mainly followed up by some real time examples and how businesses can improve the user experience and thus convert users into customers

It will be a fun session about improving websites with regards to user experience, What kind of behavior you would expect from users and what can they do to have better conversions.Presentation Slides »
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2022, Valencia (València), WordCampTV
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