Marija Zaric: The Commons – the importance of being open and sharing / my story

Marija will talk about how the commons gave her an opportunity to learn, contribute, evolve and why is that important. The commons today is an Internet. With the internet we have new ways of sharing software, code, images, website themes, information… enabling the growth of the digital commons that we have now. People can share their ideas easily due to that possibility. Ideas are the driving force of human progress and the building blocks of creativity. Digital commons are Wikipedia, Wikimedia, open source such as: Bootstrap responsive framework, WordPress CMS, Unsplash, and many, many others as well. Web is built on open source by wonderful altruistic people.

The commons is not about the profit, it is about people, the community, a dedication and persistence. It is open minded philosophy, a social, cultural and an an artistic movement. We are putting our curiosity, experiences, personalities, and beliefs in it. As technology improves, a question arises: How better can we be as humans? Fortunately, with the digital commons you can leave your footprint in a compassionate way. Technology with good people must bring compassion, the willingness to help others.
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2022, Netherlands (Nederland), WordCampTV
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